Official business of the The Foursquare Church is conducted by the president, the board of directors, the Foursquare cabinet and the Foursquare executive council. According to the bylaws, the president is elected for a five-year term and may be re-elected for an additional five-year term. The president is the "pastor" of the denomination, giving spiritual and administrative oversight.
Sterling Brackett
Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Chief Operating Officer, Corporate Secretary; The Foursquare Church
Glenn C. Burris Jr.
President, The Foursquare Church
President Glenn Burris Jr. graduated from Mount Vernon Bible College in 1976. He served as youth pastor in Concord, N.C., for a year and, in 1977, became a senior pastor in Macon, Ga. He later pastored the Foursquare church in Cornelius, N.C., and has served as a divisional superintendent, a member of the cabinet, and a member of the board of directors where he currently serves on the Building Committee, Bylaw Committee, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Governance Committee, and the Pastoral Formation, Education, and Nurture Committee. In 1992, Glenn was appointed district supervisor of the Southeast District; in 2002, he was appointed general supervisor of the U.S. national church. In 2009, Glenn began leading The Foursquare Church as interim president for a 13-month term. He was then appointed president by the convention voting body, and began serving a five year term on Oct. 1, 2010. His passions are planting churches and caring for pastors.
Tammy Dunahoo
Vice President of U.S. Operations, General Supervisor; The Foursquare Church
Vice President of Global Operations; Director of Foursquare Missions International (FMI)
FMI Director James C. Scott Jr., and his wife, Melinda, are well known throughout The Foursquare Church for their involvement with and love for missions. The Scotts have effectively led congregations in the U.S. as senior pastors and associate pastors in the Southwest District. They have influenced thousands of leaders as supervisors in the Northeast, New England, and Southern California districts.In addition, Jim has served as chief operations officer (COO) of The Foursquare Church; assistant general supervisor of the Foursquare National Church and as vice president of regional operations; as advisor to Foursquare Church Multiplication; and as regional supervisor of the Southern California/Southwest region. He was a member of the Foursquare board of directors and has served on numerous Foursquare committees. Jim is a 1975 graduate of California State University at Fresno (B.S. in criminology, minor sociology), a 1981 graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif. (M.A. in theology), and a 2008 graduate of Bakke Graduate University in Seattle, Wash. (D.Min. in church multiplication and leadership development).
Jim’s doctoral dissertation is titled Aimee Semple McPherson and Spanish-Speaking Ministry in Los Angeles: Lessons for the 21st-Century Foursquare Church. The Foursquare Church, through Foursquare Media, has published an adaptation of the dissertation as a book in Spanish titled Aimee—La Gente Hispana Estaba en Su Corazón.
Ron Thigpenn
Chief Financial Officer, The Foursquare Church
Chief Financial Officer Ron Thigpenn has significant experience in the area of finance. He was a CPA for seven years with PricewaterhouseCoopers, spent 10 years as CFO/COO for two financial institutions in the Los Angeles Area, and served nearly five years in the Corporate Finance Department of WellPoint Health Networks before spending the last seven years as Foursquare Loan Fund Manager.
Ron is also an ordained Foursquare pastor (as is his wife, Judy), having served for four years as a senior pastor and the last five years as an associate pastor in two local Foursquare churches. He currently serves on the Foursquare board of directors as a member of the Building Committee, Executive Committee (Observer), Finance Committee, and Investment Committee.
Ron is a non-voting member of the Foursquare board of directors.